Chapter 2
The Yakuza Tier

The "Help Broker A Minato-Matsumura Peace" job drops the Yakuza-only Scalding Hot Tea (weapon; 26 attack, 35 defense)
The Triad Tier

The "Assassinate The Minato-Kai Family Head" job drops the Triad-only Kage Jet (vehicle; 27 attack, 42 defense).
Conclusion: Don't be fooled by the stats on the Kage Jet; it is the same as an Armored State Car which has little value on the market. Siding with the Triads here costs extra drug shipments for the "Frame An Enemy For The Murder" job, so pick Yakuza.
Chapter 3
The Yakuza Tier

The "Gather More Evidence Of A Betrayal" job drops the Yakuza-only Tanto (weapon; 43 attack, 28 defense). This item is tied with the Ubijca Assault Rifle (from Moscow Episode 5) as the best in slot weapon. Since this job has no consumable requirement, this is a good way to farm $B. Note that the first time through, this job only costs 71 energy; with the lotto collection, farming these items can be quite efficient.
The Triad Tier

The "Spread Distrust Among the Yakuza Families" job drops the Triad-only Optical Camo Suit (armor; 43 attack, 26 defense).
Conclusion: The Optical Camo Suit is garbage; the Shturmovik from Episode 4 of Moscow has 2 more attack points. Pick Yakuza here.
Episode 5A belongs to the Yakuza. Pick them in both Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
I wouldn't say something is "garbage" because it's equivalent or has some what smaller points that a loot from Moscow. You have to remember you can have (need?) up to 501 of each loot item in all three categories (weapons, amour, and vehicles). It really depends on what you have already, how you want to play the game what you should choose. I certainly don't have 501 Shturmovic, so a lower cost Optical Suit seems very good to me.