However, you can't buy it. You have to "build" it with free gifts:

Essentially, there are 5 different item types that you will need to pick up 10 of each from your friends (50 total items). The only thing is that each person only has access to 2 of the Chop Shop items, so you will need to collect from at least 3 different friends! To send these items to your Mafia Friends, simply go to the free gifts page and look for the items labeled "Chop Shop".

Here are the 5 items required to build your shop:
Acetylene Torches
Cement Blocks
Power Tools
Car Lift
Shipping Containers
You will need 10 of each! Alternatively, you can buy pieces for one godfather point.
Once completed, your Chop Shop is a standalone building that produces 1 random vehicle each day. The quality of the vehicle seems to be completely random as noted by the info in game - you can end up coming back for the day to collect a completely worthless vehicle or a good one. I see it as more of an incentive for people to check out this developing properties page.
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