As you can see, the cost for Bangkok Crates is 12/35 godfather points (for 1 or 3) and 25/69 (for 1 or 3) stuffed crates.

Here is the full loot list for the Bangkok Crates:
Titanium Keris Knife (common) - 26 attack, 15 defense
Daisho (uncommon) - 31 attack, 20 defense
Yin Yang (uncommon) - 34 attack, 17 defense
Spitting Cobra (rare) 46 attack, 28 defense
Hung Chu Enforcer (common) - 16 attack, 24 defense
Sumotori Figher (common) - 17 attack, 25 defense
Lloyds Archangel (uncommon) - 32 attack, 24 defense
Fugama Kondoru (rare) - 25 attack, 47 defense

As a reminder, stuffed crates contain the same items as the Bangkok Crate but also give consumables and boosts.
Speaking of consumables, some consumables for New York got new graphics:

For some reason, Concealable Cameras did not get a new graphic. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm under the impression we might need these three items in Mafia Wars Bangkok since the Concealable Camera icon went unchanged. Since new players collect hundreds of those cameras to finish New York, it would stand to reason that this graphic would be improved as well if they were making this change to encourage new players through the New York grind.
Hopefully some players will get in Bangkok beta test and let the developers know that bringing back these items would be a bad decision. Beta happens to go live (finally) later this week:

Finally, to celebrate the release of Mafia Wars Bangkok, a new limited edition loot piece, the Royal White Elephant was added to the game:

High defense, but fairly pricey.
See you in Bangkok!
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