Each time you do a job, you get a little bit of job mastery. I am assuming there will be a nice item available once you reach 100% mastery.
After you do a job one time, you will be locked out either 5 minutes, 4 hours, or 8 hours, depending on which job you picked. After that time has passed, you can collect your reward and choose a different job.
Steal a Bottle of Champagne: Cost: 30 energy. Reward 45 + 15 experience points (2 xp: energy ratio) and 10% chance of getting 2 Champagne Bottles (+25 attack).

Crash the Mayor's NYE Part: Cost: 60 energy. Reward: 120 + 30 experience points (2.5 xp:energy ratio) and 50% chance of getting a "special item".
Steal the NYE Manhattan Ball: Cost: 100 energy. Reward: 300 + 50 experience points (3.5 xp:energy ratio) and a 100% chance of getting a rare item.
With all those options on the table, doing the "Steal a Bottle of Champagne" job is the fastest way to complete the 100% mastery. If you did that job every 5 minutes as it was available, you would make it to 100% mastery in just over 8 hours. The downside is that the XP:energy for the "Steal a Bottle of Champagne" is the lowest and an attack boost just isn't something that impresses me too much.
As far as the rewards for the other jobs, I am assuming a "special item" is some of those new items we've seen floating around recently. I don't think these will be repeats but rather new items specifically for this event.
For the stealing the NYE ball, the reward I believe will be the NYE ball. The graphic has been floating out there on the internet for quite some time.
I will update with loot pics and stats as people start finding items. Feel free to post anything you find in the comments and I will update accordingly!
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